Neck Pain

Back Pain Treatment At Our Austin & Round Rock Chiropractic Clinics

Man sitting at his desk with neck pain

Neck pain is a common source of dysfunction and missed work for people among industrialized societies. At Focused on You Chiropractic in Austin & Round Rock, our team works with hundreds of men and women every year struggling with acute or chronic pains in the neck. Fortunately, this condition is generally quite treatable, and one that responds well to the type of holistic and drug-free care offered at our clinic. 

Causes & Symptoms of Neck Pain

Neck pain is often linked with poor posture, stress, or sports injury or auto accident injury. Our chiropractors also see patients complaining of neck pain due to:

  • Tech neck 
  • Poor ergonomic set-up at work 
  • Whiplash
  • Muscle spasms and strains
  • Disc herniations and bulges
  • Cervical radiculopathy (pinched nerve in the neck)
  • Cervical stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Osteoarthritis

Neck pain related to these conditions or risk factors is often dull, achy, or sharp with certain movements. Additional symptoms are common, and often include numbness, tingling, and weakness radiating into one or both arms and hands; decreased range of motion in the neck; headaches; shoulder pain; and jaw joint dysfunction. 

How a Chiropractor Can Help You Find Relief from Your Neck Pain

It's beneficial enough that chiropractic can offer effective and often fast relief for your neck pain. What's even more beneficial about meeting with a licensed chiropractor is that we can help you discover the hidden causes which may be contributing to or prolonging your neck pain. By taking this symptomatic plus causative approach, we've helped our patients more effectively manage and in many cases completely alleviate their symptoms. 

Services are always customized to meet your needs, and may include: 

  • Chiropractic adjustments: our adjustments, featuring the Blair upper cervical technique, can help realign your cervical joints, relieve pressure on discs and nerves in the neck, trigger the relief of reflexive muscle guarding, and optimize nervous system function.
  • Lifestyle counseling: this can include insightful recommendations for improving your posture at work, while driving, or while performing any frequently-performed task. We can also offer you tips on specific stress relief techniques to help facilitate physical and mental healing. 
  • Corrective exercises: learn easy-to-do exercises which, when performed consistently, can promote tissue healing, improved posture, and improved endurance of key postural muscles. 

Need a Reputable Local Chiropractor Near You? Contact One of Focused On You Chiropractic's Offices in Austin or Round Rock

Neck pain can affect every area of your life: sleep, work, leisure, and more. Contact our chiropractic clinic today at (512) 733-8838 to schedule your initial appointment with a chiropractor in Austin, and don't settle for less than the healthy body you deserve! 

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